QR Code apps have been around for quite a while and educators use them for educational purposes as they can considerably increase learner engagement in the classroom if used well. Before we move on with how to use it in your lessons, here is a little tutorial about QR codes first. QR is short for Quick Response. They are barcode-like images that take you to a link, an image or a video when you scan it through your mobile device. All you need as a teacher is a QR code generator installed on your device and a QR code reader on your students’ devices. Good news is there are so many free apps both on IOS and Android.
Now, the following lesson was sent by Nigah Arioz, an experienced Science teacher who loves to integrate technology into her lessons. She tells us about how she used QR codes in one of her science lessons. In this activity, she created an engaging learning environment by promoting active and collaborative learning while she also gamified the activity by adding a little competition to it. Here is how she nailed it!
Grade level: K-8
Subject & target objective: Science & Revising the cell organelle structure and its functions
EdTech tool: QRafter (QR code app on IOS)
Lesson description: This lesson was planned in order to enable the students to revise the concepts related to the cell and the organelles, to evaluate their readiness and check learning. I prepared 25 questions using the QR Code application. I put the questions in different areas of the classroom and the corridor. The questions consisted of different kinds of content such as videos, pictures, puzzles, etc. I announced the rules of the activity. Students competed in two groups. They had 20 minutes to complete the competition and they answered the questions on the worksheet that were distributed to them. The group that gave the most correct answers won the competition. In this process, students reached the questions by using the QR code application. They also tried to find the correct answers searching on the Internet by using this application. They had a chance to discuss the right answer when they were searching.
Advantages over paper & pen: Students actively used technology. At the same time, they took part in a process where they could reach different online resources for research while they were answering the questions. Learning while they were doing the activity increased their motivation in the lesson.
How to use the tool: The QRafter app is free and students can install it on their phones and tablets quickly. Nowadays, most magazines, billboards, advertisements and documentaries provide an access to QR codes so students are already familiar with it.
SAMR Level: Augmentation
Have you ever used QR codes with your students? Send us your activity using the form below so we can publish it as an EdTech Recipe with your name and give you a shout-out on social media.