The future of learning is in artificial intelligence. Imagine you have a virtual mentor that interacts with you in a completely personalised way. It understands your needs and offers you exactly what you need until you master whatever you want to learn. It is totally engaging, motivating and individualised. Although there are already some intelligent systems that track the mental processes of a…
5 Tips for Effective Video Lectures
3 May 2016
Creating video lectures for online learning is not easy. Yet, with some tips and techniques you can create effective video lectures that make learning more enjoyable and memorable. Here is an infographic that I made for those who might be in need of some ideas before they…
Şimdi Siz Universiteplus'ta N'apıyorsunuz Kuzum?
23 April 2016
+Ne iş yapıyorsun?
-Ben insan kaynakları uzmanıyım. Sen nerdesin?
+Ben online eğitim şirketi Universiteplus’ta çalışıyorum.
-Aaa, ne güzel online iş. Evden çalışıyorsun yani?
+ Yok. Ofis işi!
– Ha, ofiste eğitmenlik yapıyorsun. Güzelmiş.
Research-Based Guide for Learner Satisfaction in eLearning
17 October 2015
This post originally appeared on
7 Factors That Affect Learner Satisfaction In eLearning
If you create and sell online courses, you must know that learner satisfaction is of utmost importance to your business. Your online course is your product and…