Education professionals, teachers, trainers and consultants – simply anyone who is involved in learning contexts – are increasingly tempted to integrate technology into their practices. Whether it is a one-hour learning session or a whole training curriculum to be developed using technology, we need a framework that informs us to make the right decisions about learning design and…
Creativity, role-play, team-work and active involvement of students… You will find all these in this guest post that Gokce Uluscu, an EFL teacher and an EdTech enthusiast, sent us. She tells how her students wrote their own scripts and created their own video to…
Promoting Active Learning Using QR Codes
31 January 2019
QR Code apps have been around for quite a while and educators use them for educational purposes as they can considerably increase learner engagement in the classroom if used well. Before we move on with how to use it in your lessons, here is a little tutorial about QR codes…
The value of collecting feedback from students is two-folded. It both helps you as a teacher refine and improve your teaching and helps learners develop critical thinking skills, evaluate their own learning and act upon their reflections. We as teachers observe students and…