Do you still resist or embrace digital technologies?
Here are 4 ways of you can become a more digital teacher:
Connecting with other educators globally on social media is a source of inspiration and fresh ideas. Start with Twitter and create your Personal Learning Network (PLN) to learn, exchange ideas and inspire each other. You can also connect your students with other classrooms around the world through platforms such as Flipgrid – a great video discussion platform.
Do you generally use preselected materials or textbooks in the classroom? These may not always address your students’ learning needs. To make learning more adaptive and engaging, you can start creating your own interactive digital content using tools such as Powtoon, Explain Everything, Quizlet, Storybird, Voice Thread. These tools are also perfect for learners to unleash their own creativity.
Curation is a process of selecting resources for a specific purpose and it is one of the most important digital skill for a 21st century learning. Information is abundant, however carefully selecting, refining or filtering resources requires a skill. You can start curating for yourself or your classes using tools such as Wakelet, Pocket or Listly.
The way we collaborate with each other is also being transformed by digital technologies. Whether for a collaborative lesson planning or a wider project, you can collaborate with your colleagues via platforms such as Slack, Trello, Google Docs or Padlet.